Gather trusted people discussing what matters most to you
Develop your leadership potential
Take risks with support
Create abundance by expressing appreciation for self and others.
Cultivate love instead of fear, telling each other what we need to hear.

Tools and Support to Bring Together People in Circle
CircleCulture: Tools for Cooperative Work
a guide for facilitators of circles

In CircleCulture, we hear, respect and empower every voice, a much-needed collective skill being lost in many cultures. Fortunately, in spite of or perhaps because of the divisive times we live in now, CircleCulture communities of belonging and supportive relationships are growing and are sustained by practicing CircleCulture tools and structure.
CircleCulture offers guidance to build the paradigm shift
From top-down leadership to shared leadership;
From excessive individualism to collective well-being;
From hierarchy to equality, inclusivity and empowerment.
With New Dimensions Cafe
Drawing on the authors’ 40 years of experience as senior facilitators, clinical psychologists, and originators of CircleCulture Tools for Cooperative Work, this guide presents detailed instructions for getting started, building communication skills, and solving conflicts.
We invite you to journey from loneliness to compassionate connection and purpose. CircleCulture nurtures the genuine needs and purposes of the whole group, entrusting participants to dialogue about what matters most. As such, CircleCulture is a catalyst for change and democracy.
CircleCulture’s guide to starting your circle is an invitation to confidently start your own safe circle. The tools are in your own hands.
A deeply human capacity for cooperation naturally emerges as people practice listening without judgment and speaking truth without fear.
Call for a FREE Consultation with CircleCulture Founder Lauren Oliver to start or reinvigorate your circle
The Millionth Circle Hypothesis:
“When a critical number of people change how they think and behave, the culture will change also, and a new era begins…. The significance of Circles can be appreciated as a revolutionary-evolutionary movement that is hidden in plain sight.”
~ Jean Shinoda Bolen
CircleCulture tools provide a framework — a common language and practical techniques for cooperative work — to get you started and support you along the way as you build a circle that accomplishes its purpose and, at the same time, consistently works for everyone.
“Each person’s voice is acknowledged. We each bring our energy and truth, and witness others. The whole circle – greater than the sum of its members – gains a unique power to enhance collective well-being.”
—Nicolette Cautero, Circle Facilitator
“Lauren Oliver has a particular talent for intuiting the spark of what can be appreciated in each group member, thereby modeling a crucial and underused form of ‘glue’ for group cohesion.”
—Karen Lawson
“CircleCulture inspires us, answers our questions, evokes new possibilities, and provides pathways and principles toward fulfilling some of today’s most poignant needs: for companionship, connection, and abiding friendship.”
—Jean Houston, PhD